

Final Programme

8 July 2022 (Friday)
14:00-18:00 Vilnius city tours
18:00 Registration
19:00 Get together (Hotel lobby)

9 July 2022 (Saturday)
Scientific Programme (Day 1)

07:30-08:00 Registration and welcome coffee
08:00-08:10 Opening
08:10-09:50 Session 1. Transverse dimension (the hidden problem)
08:10-08:45 The transverse problem today. CBCT as the saviour of the transverse problem Dr Elena Bonilla
08:45-09:20 How to measure the transverse discrepancy step by step? Dr Daniel Diez
09:20-09:50 How to make the differential diagnosis? Roles of orthodontist and surgeon Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
09:50-10:10 Discussion
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-12:40 Session 2. Dentoalveolar approach
10:40-11:10 Orthodontist’s task list and responsibility Dr Elena Bonilla
11:10-11:40 4 steps to evaluate orthodontic preparation and readiness for one-piece Le Fort I osteotomy Dr Elena Bonilla
11:40-12:10 TMJ splints Dr Daniel Diez
Dr Jorge Guiñales
12:10-12:40 Role and strategy of the orthodontist in the post-surgical period Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
12:40-13:00 Discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3. Maxillary segmentation I
14:00-14:30 Orthodontist’s task list for preparation for segmental Le Fort I osteotomy Dr Daniel Diez
Dr Jorge Guiñales
14:30-15:00 4 steps to evaluate orthodontic preparation and readiness for multi-piece Le Fort I osteotomy Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
15:00-15:30 Surgical splint for segmental and one piece Le Fort I Dr Daniel Diez
Dr Jorge Guiñales
15:30-15:50 Discussion
15:50-16:20 Coffee break
16:20-17:50 Session 4. Maxillary segmentation II
16:20-16:50 Surgical technique Dr Jorge Guiñales
16:50-17:20 Limitations and complications of multipiece Le Fort I osteotomy Dr Jorge Guiñales
17:20-17:50 The role of orthodontist in the post-surgical phase Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
17:50-18:10 Discussion
18:10 End of day I
18:00-19:30 Vilnius City Tours
19:30 Disco Party at Neringa Basement Bar (Gedimino av. 23, Vilnius). Walking distance form the hotel (10 min.) BSCOSO Team will guide you from the main hotel entrance at 19:00.

10 July 2022 (Sunday)
Scientific Programme (Day 2)

08:40-10:10 Session 5. SARPE/MARPE I
08:40-09:10 Treatment approaches: indications for MARPE and SARPE Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
09:10-09:40 Device designs and activation protocol for MARPE Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
09:40-10:00 Surgical technique and activation protocol for SARPE Dr Jorge Guiñales
10:00-10:20 Discussion
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-12:50 Session 6. SARPE/MARPE II
10:40-11:20 Post-surgical management and the second surgery Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
11:20-12:00 Role of corticotomies Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
12:00-12:30 Team approach and sequencing: who, why and how? Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
12:30-12:50 Discussion  


12:50-13:50 Lunch
13:50-15:10 Session 7. Transverse mandibular problems
13:50-14:30 MIME and MIME-X.  Minimally invasive maxillary expansion. An office based surgical expansion procedure for correction of both dental and nasal airway deficiencies. Dr Miles Poor
14:30-14:50 SARME. Indications, devices, and techniques.
Segmentation of the lower jaw. Indications and techniques
Dr Simonas Grybauskas
14:50-15:10 Discussion
15:10-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:10 Session 8. Key mistakes leading to less than ideal results
15:30-16:00 Surgical pitfalls in the teamwork with orthodontist Dr Jorge Guiñales
16:00-16:30 From good planning to bad results Dr Elena Bonilla
Dr Daniel Diez
16:30-16:50 When the case should not be taken to surgery and returned to the orthodontist? Dr Simonas Grybauskas
16:50-17:10 Discussion
17:10-18:00 Close and farewell. Leaving for the BSCOSO Summer Talents.



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