Contact dr. Hrant TER-POGHOSYAN for special discount code at
Dr. Ter-Poghosyan Hrant graduated from Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, faculty of Dentistry in 1993. In 1994-1997 passed clinical residency in department of Pediatric Dentistry, YSMU after M. Heratsi getting specialization in “Orthodontics”. Since 1999, has got a PhD and since 2009 – MD degree, leads a private clinical practice since 1997.
From 1998 to 2001 passed biennial postgraduate course (“Roth/Williams Postgraduate Course”).
Dr. Ter-Poghosyan is the president of Association of Orthodontists of Armenia, vice-president of Dental Education and Science Association, member of World Federation of Orthodontists (2001), European Society of Orthodontists (2005), Professional Society of Orthodontists of Russia (1999), Armenian Dental Association (1997), the Armenian Association of “sleep disorders” (2012), the ambassador of American Association of Orthodontists (2017).
Dr. Ter-Poghosyan is the organizer and lecturer in many local and international conferences and seminars in orthodontics and clinical gnathology.
At the present time Ter-Poghosyan Hrant Yu. – the head of Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, YSMU after M. Heratsi, has authored more than 70 scientific publications and articles, the author of 3 inventions and 4 rational proposals.
Area of scientific and practical interests: interdisciplinary approach; TMJ dysfunction; neuromuscular dentistry.
Contact dr. Oleg YATSKEVICH for special registration code at
PhD, MD, assistant professor maxilla-facial surgery department of Belarusian medical academy of postgraduate education Member of European Society of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery.
Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры челюстно-лицевой хирургии Беларуской медицинской академии последипломного образования.
Челюстной-лицевой и пластический хирург.
Член европейского общества черепно-челюстно-лицевой хирургии.
Contact dr. Philippe Van Audenhove for special registration code at
After his Latin-Sciences humanities, Philippe Van Audenhove graduated from KULeuven dental school in Belgium, in 1982.
He started his own private practice in Dessel (B) that same year, in combination with being Lieutenant in military medical service.
Taking numerous national and international courses, he specialised in general dentistry with a focus on quality and ergonomics. This lead him to implementing optical magnification in combination with chairside assistance (four-handed dentistry) from a very early stage in his career. He taught at HIVSET Turnhout (B) in the training of dental assistants.
In 1997 he was awarded the Knight’s Cross in the Belgian Crown Order.
Philippe Van Audenhove is co-founder of the European Society of Microscope Dentistry and organised, in his function of ESMD President, international congresses in 2008 (Amsterdam), 2010 (Vilnius), 2012 (Berlin) and as ESMD treasurer in 2014 (Barcelona) and 2016 (Vilnius).
He has never been affiliated with nor ever been on the payroll of any commercial firm.
Currently, he runs a busy, up-to-date private dental office in association with his daughter Rebecca.
In his leisure time, he is a passionate birder.
Contact dr. André SAKIMA SERRANO for special registration code at
DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein – São Paulo/Brazil Private Practice – São Paulo/Brazil Fellowship S’OS Klinika – Vilnius/Lithuania.
Carlos SAIKI
Contact dr. Carlos Saiki for special registration code at
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon – Sao Paulo – Brazil.
Eurosplint consultant.
Associated Fellow at S’OS Clinic.
Contact dr. Andres FERNANDEZ for special registration code at
2015 Universidad de Harvard Boston, USA Fellowship en Implantología Oral
2013 Universidad de Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, USA Fellowship en Implantología Oral
2005 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia MsC Maestría en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
2005 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia Especialización en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
2001 Universidad Latina de Costa Rica San José, Costa Rica Doctor en Cirugía Dental
1994 Colegio Nuestra Señora de Sion San José, Costa Rica Secundaria
Experiencia Laboral
2014- presente ULACIT ( San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor del Postgrado de Ortodoncia
2013-presente Academia Costarricense de Cirugia San Jose, Costa Rica Presidente Oral y Maxilofacial
2013-presente Im-planner San Jose, Costa Rica Director: Centro de Planeación Virtual en Implantes dentales y Cirugía Ortognática
2012-presente Odontopolis San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor Curso de implantes dentales y Regeneracion Osea
2011-presente Dental Skills Academy San Jose, Costa Rica Director Curso de implantes dentales
2008-presente AO Foundation San Jose, Costa Rica Presidente y representante para Centro América de la Fundación AO CMF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen ) Latinoamerica e Internacional (
2008-presente Universidad de Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor Invitado de la Pasantía de Cirugía Oral
2008-2010 Hospital Mexico San Jose, Costa Rica, Cirujano Maxilofacial del Departamento de Cirugía Maxilofacial
2007-presente Costa Rica Medical Holding San Jose, Costa Rica Miembro de la Junta Directiva y socio fundador
2007-presente Universidad de Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor invitado del programa de Rehabilitación Oral
2006-2008 ULACIT ( San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor de la Clínica de Enfasis Quirúrgico
2006-2008 ULACIT ( San Jose, Costa Rica Profesor de Cirugía Oral pregrado
2006-presente Hospital CIMA ( San Jose, Costa Rica Cirujano Maxilofacial
2006-presente Dental Cosmetics Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica Cirujano Maxilofacial y Director
2006-2007 Hospital Calderón Guardia San Jose, Costa Rica Cirujano Oral y Maxilofacial
2006-2007 Hospital Calderon Guardia San Jose, Costa Rica Cirujano Oral y Maxilofacial, Departamento de Cirugía plástica y Reconstructiva
2006-2007 Hospital Calderon Guardia San Jose, Costa Rica Cirujano del Departamento de Dolor Orofacial y Desórdenes de la ATM
2006-presente Clínica Dental Implants and Oral Rehabilitation, San Jose, Costa Rica Director de la Clínica de Implantes Dentales y Rehabilitación Oral
2006 –presente Dental Cosmetics Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica
Cirujano Oral y Maxilofacial
2006 – 2007 Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia Profesor adjunto de la Residencia en Cirugía oral y Maxilofacial
Formación Profesional
2015- Presente (Diciembre) Harvard University Implant Continuum Program 2015-2016. Harvard University, Boston, USA.
2015 (Noviembre) Curso Avanzado de Cirugía Ortognática, Dr. William Arnett, Santa Mónica, California, USA
2015 (Octubre) Seminario Avanzado de implantes Dentales, Palma de Mayorca, España
2015 (Junio) Cirugía en vivo Técnica All on 4 prótesis híbrida, Viaxx Dental. San José, Costa Rica.
2015 (Junio) Colegio Odontólogos. Actualización en Implantes Dentales,
(Director). San José, Costa Rica.
2014 (Mayo) AOLAT. Seminario AOCMF de Reconstrucción Maxilomandibuar (Director). San José, Costa Rica.
2014 (Marzo) “Curso Implantes Dentales Zona anterior”. Implant Direct Learning Center Las Vegas USA
2013 (Setiembre) Manejo de Tecnica All on 4, San Jose, Costa Rica. 2013 (Junio) 3 Neodent International Congress, Curitiba, Brazil.
2013 (Junio) Penn International Implant Continuum Program 2012-2013. University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA.
2013 (Junio) The 11th International Symposium on Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. Quintessence Publishing Co. Boston, Massachusetts , USA.
2013 (Mayo) AOLAT. Seminario AOCMF de Reconstrucción de Órbita (Director). San José, Costa Rica.
2013 (Abril) Conferencista Invitado “Reconstrucción Maxilofaical Compleja para el Odontólogo General”. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico UNAM, México D.F., México.
2013 (Abril) Conferencista Principal “No mas de Odontología a Ciegas, del Diagnóstico al Pronóstico con la Tomografía de Cono de Corte”. Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, San Jose, costa Rica.
2013 (Abril) Trauma Workshop Training Course. Biomet Microfixation. Lorenz Skills Academy. Jacksonville, Florida, USA
2013 (Marzo) NYU College of Dentistry Global Implantology week. New York City, USA
2012 (Noviembre) Curso implantes cigomáticos. San Jose, Costa Rica
2012 (Octubre) Expositor Principal en el Simposio de Cirugía Maxilofacial. Hotel Holiday inn. Guatemala.
2012 (Agosto) Curso Internacional de Distracción Osteogénica, Dr. César Guerrero, Hotel Tamanaco Intercontinental- Clinica Santa Rosa de Lima. Caracas, Venezuela.
2012 (Agosto) Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Hotel Hilton Cartagena, Colombia.
2012 (Agosto) Precongreso en Artroscopia de ATM. Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Hotel Hilton Cartagena, Colombia.
2012 (Julio) Expositor Principal en el Simposio de Cirugía Maxilofacial. Hotel Hilton Princess. Managua, Nicaragua
2012 (May) Simposio de Refrescamiento en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Hotel Barceló Palma Real. Dr. Luis Vega, Dr. Rui Fernández. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2012 (May) Curso Implantes Cigomáticos. Hotel Barceló Palma Real. Dr. Luis Vega. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2012 (Abr) AOLAT Curso Avanzado de Cirugía Ortognática (Director). San José, Costa Rica.
2012 (Mar) Latin America Speaker Forum & Speaker Training Workshop. MSD, Ciudad Panama, Panama.
2012 (Feb) Curso Implantes Cigomáticos. Clinica Santa Rosa de Lima, Caracas, Venezuela.
2011 (Nov) Congreso Mundial de la Asociación Internacional de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. Santiago de Chile.
2011 (Nov) Curso Avanzado de microcirugía con taller en cadaveres. Casa Martin. Santiago de Chile.
2011 (Nov) Curso Avanzado de Cirugía Ortognática, Fundación AO. Santiago de Chile.
2011 (Mayo) VII AOLAT Faculty Retreat, Los Sueños, Marriot, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
2011 (Mayo) Faculty Simposio Avanzado AO sobre trauma de Alta Energía Marriot, Heredia, Costa Rica.
2011 (Mayo) Curso de Planeación 3D para implantología, Biomet, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
2011 (Abril) Curso Teorico practico de Artroscopía de ATM, reconstrucción por medio de prótesis de ATM y Cirugía Ortognática Biomet, Jacksonville, Miami, USA.
2011 (Marzo) 3rd William Bell Lectureship. Accelerated Orthognathic Surgery and Increased Orthodontic Efficiency: A Paradigm Shift. JW Marriot, Houston, TX, USA.
2010 (Oct) Conferencista en Primer Congreso Internacional del Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica, Hotel San José Palacio, San José, Costa Rica.
2010 (Sept) Conferencista y co-organizador del Simposio de Distracción Osteogénica del Esqueleto Craneomaxilofacial. Hotel Intercontinental, San José, Costa Rica.
2010 (Sept) Conferencista del curso básico de cirugía Craneo Maxilo Facial AO y Simposio de Cirugía Maxilofacial Pediátrica. Mexico DF. Mexico.
2010 (Feb) Curso Teorico practico de Artroscopía de ATM, y reconstrucción por medio de prótesis de ATM Casa Biomet, Jacksonville, Miami, USA.
2009 (Oct) Primer congreso Mundial de Piezosurgery. Genova, Italia.
2009 (Sep) Segundo lugar en el congreso nacional, poster session. ¨Reconstrucción de la premaxila por medio de injertos mentales¨. San Jose, Costa Rica.
2009 (Mayo) Primer Lugar en el XV premio nacional de investigación en Odontología. Asociación Costarricense de Congresos Odontológicos. Caso clínico. Mandibulectomía con reconstrucción inmediata por medio de colgajo microanastomosado de fíbula. Revisión de la Literatura y Caso clínico.. San Jose, Costa Rica
2009 (Mayo) Segundo Lugar en el XV premio nacional de investigación en Odontología. Asociación Costarricense de Congresos Odontológicos. Caso clínico. Lateralizacion del paquete dentario inferior por medio de la piezo electricidad. Revisión de la Literatura y presentación de un caso clínico. San Jose, Costa Rica
2009 (Ene) Conferencista, Curso Básico de Implantología Oral. Casa MIS, San José, Costa Rica.
Conferencias Formales
Fernández AA. “Curso avanzado de implantes Dentales”. Implant Direct Learning Center San José Costa Rica, 2015.
Fernández AA. “Curso implantes dentales”. Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica, San José Costa Rica, 2015.
Fernández AA. “Curso Tecnica All on 4”. Implant Direct Learning Center San José Costa Rica, 2014.
Fernández AA. “Seminario Avanzado de Reconstrucción Maxilomandibular” Fundación AO, Chairman. Hotel Whyndham San Jose, Costa Rica, 2014.
Fernández AA. “Curso Implantes Dentales Zona anterior”. Implant Direct Learning Center Las Vegas USA 2014.
Fernández AA. “Seminario Avanzado de Reconstrucción de Órbita” Fundación AO, Chairman. Hotel Marriot, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2013.
Fernández AA.“Reconstrucción Maxilofaical Compleja para el Odontólogo General”. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico UNAM, México D.F., México. 2013
Fernández AA. “No mas de Odontología a Ciegas, del Diagnóstico al Pronóstico con la Tomografía de Cono de Corte”. Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, San Jose, costa Rica, 2013.
Fernández AA. “Manejo comprehensivo de la ATM”. Quinto Congreso Internacional del Postgrado de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Managua, Nicaragua, 2012.
Fernández AA. “Reconstrucción maxillofacial compleja”. Quinto Congreso Internacional del Postgrado de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Managua, Nicaragua, 2012.
Fernández AA. “Distracción Osteogénica maxillofacial, una vision personal”. Quinto Congreso Internacional del Postgrado de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Managua, Nicaragua, 2012.
Fernández AA. “Técnicas avanzadas en Implantología Oral”. Primer Congreso Internacional del Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica, Hotel San José Palacio, San José, Costa Rica, 2010.
Fernández AA. “Implantología Oral básica… Un punto de vista quirúrgico”. Primer Congreso Internacional del Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica, Hotel San José Palacio, San José, Costa Rica, 2010.
Fernández AA. “Historia, y bases biológicas de la Distracción Osteogénica”. Simposio de Distracción Osteogénica del Esqueleto Craneomaxilofacial. Hotel Intercontinental, San José, Costa Rica
Fernandez AA. “Biología Osea y de la Cicatrización”. Conferencista invitado del curso basico de cirugía Craneo Maxilo Facial AO. Mexico DF. Mexico 2010
Fernandez AA. “Biomecánica, clasificación e imagenología mandibular”. Conferencista invitado del curso basico de cirugía Craneo Maxilo Facial AO. Mexico DF. Mexico 2010
Fernandez AA. Mandibulectomia con reconstruccion inmediata por medio de colgajo microanastomosado de fibula. Revision de la Literatura y Caso clinico. ACCO, San Jose, Costa Rica. 2009
Fernandez AA, Alvarado E. Lateralizacion del paquete dentario inferior por medio de la piezo electricidad. Revision de la Literatura y presentacion de un caso clinico. ACCO, 2009
Fernandez AA. Vaglio G, Vargas A, Marin A. Mandibulectomia con reconstruccion inmediata por medio de colgajo microanastomosado de fibula. Revision de la Literatura y Caso clinico. ACCO. 2009
Fernandez AA, Alvarado E. Anquilosis Verdadera de ATM. ACCO, 2008
Fernandez AA, Alvarado E. Lateralizacion del paquete dentario inferior por medio de la piezo electricidad. Revision de la Literatura y presentacion de un caso clinico. ACCO, 2009
Fernandez AA, Furchgott N. Abordaje Modificado para la reconstruccion de la ATM. Revision de la Literatura y Presentacion de Caso. ACCO, San Jose, 2007.
Fernández AA. Talero A. Arthrocentesis with adherences liberation of the TMJ as a therapeutic method for the internal derangements of the TMJ. Literature review and a case presentation. JACCO, 2007
Fernández AA, Orellana JC. Mandibular Hipomobility: 3 cases report and Literature review. JACCO, 2007
Fernández AA. Vega OA Trifocal bone transport for the closure of an alveolar palatine nasal and sinus fissure secondary a gun shoot in the face. A case Presentation and Literature review. JACCO, 2006
Fernández AA, Hernández ME, Vaglio G, Barrientos S, Barboza G, Zúñiga S, Bustillo J. COX-2 determination in the healthy tongue mucosa and tongue mucosa with epidermoid cancer. 2005 (Universitas Odontológica Journal)
Fernández AA. Localization of the Substance P in dental pulp of healthy human teeth by inmunohistochemestry”. JACCO, vol 7 55-57, 2001
Idiomas Ingles y Español.
Contact dr. Gaivile PILEICIKIENE for special registration code at
1. Name, surname |
Gaivilė Pileičikienė |
2. Date of birth |
1972-07-06 |
3. Education |
Institution |
Professional qualification, qualification degree, scientific degree |
Year |
Kaunas medical academy |
Master degree, general dentist |
1995 |
Kaunas medical academy |
Residency of general dentistry |
1996 |
Kaunas medical academy |
Specialist in prosthodontics |
1997 |
Kaunas university of medicine |
Doctoral degree (PhD) |
2008 |
4. Pedagogical/scientific title: PhD of Odontology, Biomedical Sciences |
Title |
Institution |
Year |
5. Work experience |
Assistant (junior lecturer) |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS), Clinical Department of Prosthodontics |
1996-2007 |
Lecturer |
LUHS, Clinical Department of Prosthodontics |
2008-2013 |
Assoc. professor |
LUHS, Clinical Department of Prosthodontics |
2014-now |
Dentist, specialist in prosthodontics |
Private dental clinic „Sveiki dantys“ |
1998-2003 |
Dentist , specialist in prosthodontics |
Private dental clinic „Prodentas“ |
2005-2013 |
Dentist , specialist in prosthodontics |
Private dental clinic „&Smile” |
2014-now |
Sr. Scientific affairs and education specialist |
3M OCSD Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
2016-now |
6. Major scientific publications |
Present up to 5 monographies, scientific papers for 10 recent years |
Scientific field |
Publications (list up to 5) |
Biomedical sciences, odontology |
1. Jokubauskas, Laurynas; Baltrušaitytė, Aušra; Pileičikienė, Gaivilė. Oral appliances for managing sleep bruxism in adults: a systematic review from 2007 to 2017. J Oral Rehabil. 2018 Jan;45(1):81-95. doi: 10.1111/joor.12558. Epub 2017 Sep 11 |
Biomedical sciences, odontology |
2. Dzingutė, Agnė, Baltrušaitytė, Aušra; Pileičikienė, Gaivilė; Gediminas Skirbutis. Evaluation of the relationship between the occlusion parameters and symptoms of the temporomandibular joint disorder. Acta Med Litu. 2017;24(3):167-175. doi: 10.6001/actamedica.v24i3.3551 |
Biomedical sciences, odontology |
3. Baltrušaitytė, Aušra, Pileičikienė, Gaivilė, Ivanauskienė, Eglė, Skirbutis, Gediminas, Gleiznys, Alvydas,. Evaluation of the computerized occlusal analysis // Medical Physics in the Baltic States: Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Medical Physics: Kaunas, Lithuania, 10-12 October, 2013 / Kaunas University of Technology. |
Biomedical sciences, odontology |
4. Pileičikienė, Gaivilė; Šurna, Algimantas Antanas; Skirbutis, Gediminas; Barauskas, Rimantas; Šurna, Rimas. Influence of guiding tooth geometry on contact forces distribution in the human masticatory system: a FEM study / G. Pileičikienė, A. Šurna, G. Skirbutis, R. Barauskas, R. Šurna // Mechanika. Kaunas: Technologija. (Mechaninių sistemų projektavimas ir optimizavimas). ISSN 1392-1207. 2010, Nr. 3(83), p. 34-39. |
Biomedical sciences, odontology |
5. Pileičikienė, Gaivilė; Šurna, Algimantas Antanas; Skirbutis, Gediminas; Šurna, Rimas; Barauskas, Rimantas. A New technique for the creation of a higher accuracy 3D geometrical model of the human masticatory system / G. Pileičikienė, A. Šurna, G. Skirbutis, R. Šurna, R. Barauskas // Mechanika. Kaunas: Technologija. ISSN 1392-1207. 2009, Nr. 4(78), p. 44-80. |
7. Major pedagogical publications |
Present textbooks, methodological guidelines, teaching books for 5 recent years |
Odontology (prosthodontics) |
1. Sakalauskienė, Jurgina; Gleiznys, Alvydas; Šurna, Algimantas Antanas; Ivanauskienė, Eglė; Pileičikienė, Gaivilė; Junevičius, Jonas. Metal-free intracoronal restorations: handbook for students of odontology. [Lithuanian University of Health Sciences]. Kaunas: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Spaudos namai, 2011. 55 p. |
Odontology (prosthodontics) |
2. Niekrash, Christine; Giedrimiene, Dalia; Sakalauskienė, Jurgina; Gleiznys, Alvydas; Ivanauskienė, Eglė; Pileičikienė, Gaivilė; Baltrušaitytė, Aušra; Junevičius, Jonas. Composite and ceramic restorations : handbook for students of odontology / [electronic book]: Christine Niekrash, Dalia Giedrimienė, Jurgina Sakalauskienė, Alvydas Gleiznys, Eglė Ivanauskienė, Gaivilė Pileičikienė, Aušra Baltrušaitytė, Jonas Junevičius; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Medical Academy; [Reviewers: Ričardas Kubilius, Antanas Šidlauskas. Kaunas: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, 2015. 55 p.: pav, lent. ISBN 9789955153948. Web access: <http://talpykla.elaba. |
8. Membership |
1. The Lithuanian Association of Prosthodontics (member from 1997, president 2014-2016) |
2. The Lithuanian Dental Chamber (member from 2004) |
Contact dr. Dainius RAZUKEVICIUS for special registration code at
PhD Dainius Razukevicius, Oral&Maxillofacial Surgeon
As a student at Kaunas University of Medicine, Faculty of Stomatology Dainius Razukevicius was sure that he is on the right career path. He chose the speciality of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and began deeper studies in the area of Implantology, Bone Reconstruction, TMJ and Orthognathic Surgery.
Dainius Razukevicius has a PhD degree for defending theses on the Diagnostics of Mandibular Angle Fractures, their Clinical Peculiarities and the Effectiveness of Treatment at Kaunas Medical University in 2005.
He work exclusively with the most modern equipment and high quality safe materials. However, this is just one issue of a successful surgeon’s job. The second – equally important one – consists of knowledge and experience helping to precisely diagnose and draw up an appropriate treatment plan as well as precise application of knowledge during the treatment process and surgeries. Dainius Razukevicius knows that he is doing what he can do best.
Professional and precise application of the newest treatment methods as well as open communication are the principles that dr. Dainius Razukevicius focuses on in his daily routine in Kaunas Implatology Center that he has founded in 2008.
Contact dr. Vygandas RUTKUNAS for special registration code at
Contact dr. Mario ORTIZ for special registration code at
2018 rotation with dr. larry wolford at baylor scott & white health medical center
2017 arnett orthognatic surgery forum
2016 staff member and lecturing in the vii hands on cadaver course by zimmer biomet in temporomandublar joint reconstruction and stock total joint replacement, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry
2011-2015 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY RESIDENCE, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry, Hospital Metropolitano Dr. Bernardo Sepulveda SSNL, Monterrey, Mexico
2007-2008 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY INTERSHIP, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan Puerto Rico
2005-2006 ORAL SURGERY DIPLOMATE, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, School of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
2000-2005 DDS DEGREE, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, School of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
OMFS Postgraduate Residency Program, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
Orthodontics Postgraduate Residency Program, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
Endodontics Postgraduate Residency Program, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
Oral Pathology & Oral Surgery Undergraduate Department, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, School Of Dentistry, Monterrey, Mexico
Board certified Mexican Board Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Supervisor for Eurosplint
Certificate of Attendance to The Professional Development Course on Orthognatic Surgery at Simonas Grybauskas´Orthognatic Surgery
BLS, ATLS and ACLS Certified
Active Member of the IAOMS (International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
Active Member of the AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
Active Member of the ACOMS (American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons)
1st place Research Award. TMJ Evaluation of the Rheumatic Patient. Clinical correlation and cone beam findings. Poster Presentation 2013 Annual Meeting.
2008-2011 Private Practice at Centro Maxilofacial Albano Flores
2015-2017 Private Practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at uva face architects clinic
2017 Associate Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at Centro Maxilofacial Albano Flores
Pro-Bono Program active member treating dental needs of elderly patients
Participant at Operation Smile
Contact dr. Weronika WIERUSZ-HAJDACKA for special discount code at
Graduated Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Medical University of Warsaw.
In 2011 graduated with honours after three years of specialized studies in Orthodontics at the University of Ferrara in Italy. An additional 4 years of practical experience was undertaken at the university clinic.
She is a published author in the field of orthodontics and a lecturer at national and international orthodontic conferences.
Since 2009 she has a private practice in Warsaw. In 2015 she was the first doctor to introduce iTero intra-oral imaging to Poland, replacing traditional orthodontic moulds with 3D digital models.
Ever since 2016 Dr Wierusz Hajdacka has belonged to the official body of Invisalign instructors.
Elia Diana BOANGAR
Contact dr. Elia Diana BOANGAR for special registration code at
Dr. Elia Diana Boangar graduated the “I. Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca in 2006, and in 2010 she finished her Master’s degree in Orhodontics in Cluj-Napoca and Bordeaux, France. Ever since, she has been exclusively practicing orthodontics in Cluj-Napoca and Zalau. Apart from her private practice, she likes to share her experience and advocate for the integration of interdisciplinarity in the protocols of complex treatment planning. She lectures nationally and internationally on the subjects of skeletal anchorage and interdisciplinary treatment of adult patients, emphasizing the importance of properly sequencing orthodontic, periodontal and restorative treatment. She is an active member of World Federation of Orthodontists, American Association of Orthodontists and European Orthodontic Society.
Contact dr. Ion NICOLESCU for special registration code at
Dr. Ion Nicolescu has a bachelor degree in both Dentistry from the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, 1991 and also in General Medicine from the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, 1999. He bacame a Specialist in Oro-maxillo-facial Surgery at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, 1995 and a Specialist in General Dentistry in 2000; he became Doctor in Dentistry in 2001.
He was an Assistant Professor at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest from 1992 to 2008. From 2008 to 2017, he was Chief of the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department of the “Saint Mary” Hospital, Bucharest.
Practice limited to: orthognatic surgery, maxillo-facial surgery at NAOS Clinique and Sanador private hospital and also implantology in the Nicolescu-Agatstein Dental Clinique in Bucharest.
Alexandru ȚIGOIU
Contact dr. Alexandru ȚIGOIU for special registration code at
Graduated from the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest in 2000. He became a specialist in dentistry in 2003 and acquired top competencies in esthetic dentistry.
He holds a Master of Science degree from the Biomaterials program organized by the Bioengineering Department of the “Politehnica” University in Bucharest. He is involved with this university in research programs regarding materials and techniques used in orthodontics. He held courses for dentists and dental technicians in various areas, including CAD/CAM and digital technologies. He graduated the specialization program in implantology and focused his career on esthetic dentistry, with emphasis on digital dentistry and digital workflow. Dr. Țigoiu is involved in the organization of the most important orthodontic events in Romania.
Contact dr. Artur POLITOV for special registration code at
• 2003-2008 – СГМУ – стоматологический факультет
• 2008-2009 – СГМУ (на базе ООО “ЛуВр”) – интернатура – стоматология общей практики
• 2009-2011 – СТГМУ – ординатура – челюстно-лицевая хирургия.
• 2011-2015 – врач челюстно-лицевой хирург в ГБУЗ СК “ГКБ СМП” г.Ставрополя
• 2012-2015 – кафедра челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии.
– 2014-2019 – учредитель и совладелец группы компаний STOMION
• 2015-2019 – частная практика в “Stomion dental clinic Stavropоl” – генеральный директор, главный врач, хирург-стоматолог.
Contact dr. Andrey NIKITIN for special registration code at
Закончил 1 Ленинградский Медицинский Институт им. акад. И. П. Павлова в 1991 году (сейчас СПБГМУ).
С 1992 года начал работу в области ортодонтии. С 1992 г. повышение квалификации по разделу несъемной ортодонтической аппаратуры в ЦНИИС и начало активного использования брекет-систем в клинической практике. Проходил обучение на рабочем месте у специалистов разных школ и концепций в США, Германии, Швеции.
Огромный опыт 25-и лет практической работы и надежная репутация позволяют добиваться стабильных результатов.
Основной принцип работы: использование лучших методик и передовых знаний разных ортодонтических концепций для достижения гарантированного результата в повседневной практике.
Проводит обучающие семинары и мастер-классы, где делится накопленным опытом с коллегами.
Contact dr. Eglė ZASČIURINSKIENĖ for special registration code at
Dr. Eglė Zasčiurinskienė completed her postgraduate studies in orthodontics in 2005. Since 2007 she is working as a consultant orthodontist and lecturer in the Department of Orthodontics, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. She is an active member of Lithuanian Orthodontic Association and European Orthodontic Society. Her research focuses mainly on periodontal issues, such as gingival recessions and periodontal disease, during orthodontic treatment. She has given lectures about these topics both nationaly and internationally. In June 2018 she defended PhD thesis “Studies on orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease” in Jönköping University (Sweden).
Contact Prof. Korkmaz SAYINSU for special registration code at
Prof. Korkmaz Sayinsu was born in Ankara in 1971.
He graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry in 1994.
In 2000, he received his PhD in Orthodontics at Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics.
Prof. Sayinsu continued his academic career as a full time teacher at Yeditepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics.
Received his Associate Professor degree in 2006.
Started AKORD (training and consulting company) specialized in dentistry in 2010.
Received his Professor degree in 2016.
Prof. Sayinsu is currently head of Department of Orthodontics at Altınbas University, Faculty of Dentistry.
Prof. Sayinsu also continues to work in his private clinic, together with his wife, in Istanbul.
He is a lecturer in FACE TURKEY courses and also giving courses about orthognatic surgery, TMJ and biomechanics.
Abdullah ÖZEL
Contact dr. Abdullah ÖZEL for special registration code at
EDUCATION ___________________________________________________
2003 – 2009 University of Selcuk Faculty of Dentistry
2010 – 2014 University of Selcuk, Ph.D. Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Advisor: Thomas Pyszczynski, Ph.D.
2014 – …. University of Medipol Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Assistant Professor
COURSES AND LEARNING ACTIVITES _____________________________
- Arthroscopic and Open Temporomandibular Joint Surgery – 2013 Basics and New Horizons SORG Group – Vienna, Professor Gerhard Undt
- Brussels Orthognathic Atomium Course 2014 – Prof M. Mommaerts, Brussels.
- BSCOSO Summer Course: Satellite 2016 – Facial Planning For Orthognathic Surgery And Principles Of Perioperative Orthodontics, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Visitor at S’OS Clinica, 2017. Vilnius, Lithuania (Dr. Simonas Grybauskas)
- BSCOSO Summer Course 2017 – Advanced Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- BSCOSO Winter Course 2018 – Alchemy of Treatment Planning, Vilnius, Lithuania.
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND SERVICES _________________________ AÇBİD (Ağız ve Çene-Yüz Cerrahisi Birliği Derneği) TAOMS (Türk Oral Ve Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi Derneği) ITI International Team for Implantology EACMFS European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery TFI Together For Implantology ___________________________________________________
Özel, A., Güven, G. Ş., Dilaver, E., & Uçkan, S. (2017). Unilateral complex syngnathia of the maxilla, mandible, and zygomatic complex in a newborn baby. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 55(2), 211-212.
Tuba Develi, Abdullah Özel, İlker Burgaz, Sina Uçkan, Vakur Olgaç, Tunç Akkoç. Establishment of Ameloblastoma Animal Model with Human Derived Ameloblastoma Tumor Cells and Improving Treatment Approaches, TUBITAK Research (Still continues)
Abdullah Özel, Bilal Cemşit Sarı, Sina Uçkan. Conservative Treatment of a Pathologic Fracture Around Dental Implant by Teriparatide in a Patient Using Bisphosphonate. (Under Review by British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS ____________________________________
Abdullah Ö., Burcu G., Hanife A., “Treatment of a Large Dentigerous Cyst” TAOMS 20 th International Congress, Antalya, 2013.
Abdullah Ö., Hasan K., “Submucosal Oral Lipoma: A Rare Placement at Mental Foramen Area”, ACBID 8th International Congress, Antalya, 2014.
Abdullah Ö., Foad S. N. ve Doğan D., “Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Flap For Closing Chronic Oroantral Fistula: 2 Case Report”, ACBID 8th International Congress, Antalya, 2014.
Abdullah O., Hanife A., “Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Low-Level Laser Therapy On inflammation and Clinical Findings From Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder: A pilot study”, ACBID 8th International Congress, Antalya, 2014.
Foad S. N., Abdullah O., Hanife A., “Botulinum Toxin Injection For Masseter Hypertrophy and Pain Syndrome: Report of Two Cases” 19th Congress of the BASS, Belgrad, 2014.
Çağrı R. Gençer, Gamze Şenol, Abdullah Özel. A Survey For Dentofacial Deformity Awareness. What If The Patients Informed Of Surgery First Approach? ACBID 11th International Congress, Antalya 2017.
Bilal Cemşid Sarı, Abdullah Özel. Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis And Fracture Of Mandible, Healing After Teriparatide Injection. ACBID 11th International Congress, Antalya 2017.
Humam Alghamian, Abdullah Özel, Tuba Develi, Sina Uçkan. Effect of Orthognathic Surgery on Nasal Tip Aesthetic Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul. ACBID 12th International Congress, Antalya 2018.
Sümer Münevveroğlu, Abdullah Özel, Gamze Şenol, Sina Uçkan. Clinical applications of Buccal Fat Pad in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Istanbul Medipol University, School of Dentistry, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Istanbul. ACBID 12th International Congress, Antalya 2018.
TEACHING INTERESTS __________________________________________
Lectures: Orthognathic Surgery, TMJ Surgery, Cysts and Tumours of Jaws, Contemporary Approaches in Maxillofacial Surgery, Advanced Dental Implant Surgery